This game is the one of the best games ever created. I know that this game is old but it´s awsome! Hello, this is my first review for this site, I was making reviews for Facepunch on free threads in General Games Discussion. Well, let´s start. This is an Huge game, it´s an classic that I play in the present, and the multi-player and the story are great, this game is not for Doom, Battlefield or CoD fans, sorry for saying this but it´s true, some fans of this games don´t like Halo, I like those 4 games. This is my first time making an review for this site, so I am going to make an different review, but I am direct and I will tell everything about the games that I am making the review (But I won´t tell the story) Story The story is simple, You ara Master Chief and you save the Earth and kill thousands of Aliens. Halo have an great story, You play as Master Chief, an elite oldier that get in conflict with the alien race "The Covenants". This seems simple right? The worst is when you spaceship is destroyed by the Covenants and you need to escape, but you land on an strange world, The shape of the world is like an ring, but the this planet have his history, and you need to find out what is that world doing there and fight the covenants. Gameplay This gameplay is very simple, not much to say, it´s an simple fps game with the normal FPS commands. Not much to say, the only thing that I am going to say is that the game-play was very futuristic 8 years ago. Graphics This game was released in 2001, and the graphics in that time were great! The Single-player and the Multi-player graphics were just awesome and the level´s design was extreme! Now the graphics are good, but they don´t have that magic that it had 9 years ago. Rating: 9.3 out of 10